ドイツ連邦共和国への応援メッセージ動画送付及び公開について Let's Go Germany! Video Message
With the worldwide spread of the coronavirus, it has become impossible for Toyohashi and other Host Towns around Japan to hold exchange events with Germany. So in order to show Germany that we are all still here cheering for them, the cities of Toyohashi, Nobeoka, Ome, and Toyooka made a videoa message and sent it to partner organizations in Germany.

動画はこちらをクリックしてご覧ください。Click here to view the video!
The message in the video is as follows:
◎Deutschland, gib dein Bestes um das Coronavirus zu besiegen!
Germany, do your best to defeat the coronavirus!
◎Freunde in Deutschland, lasst uns die Corona-Krise gemeinsam bewältigen!
Let's work together to overcome the threat of the virus!
◎Die Freundschaft zwischen uns und den Menschen in Deutschland ist unendlich
Our friendship with Germany is eternal.
◎Wir freuen uns darauf, im Jahr 2021 deutsche Sportlerinnen und Sportler bei
Olympischen und Paralympischen Spielen in Tokyo in Aktion zu sehen!
We look forward to seeing all the athletes from Germany in action at next year's Olympics and Paralympics!
動画の主な送付先 Where we sent the video
※パートナーシティ Wolfsburg ※Toyohashi's partner city
The Germany Taekwondo Federation ※Held a training camp in
Toyohashi in 2019
・ハンブルグ市のエイムスビュッテルスポーツ連盟 ※2019年青少年交流事業実施 Hamburg Eimsbutteler
Turnverband Sports Club ※Held student exchange events with Toyohashi in 2019
・ドイツ大使館/総領事館 等 The German Embassy, Consulates, etc.
The video was also sent to the partner organizations of Toyooka, Nobeoka, and Ome.
Total number of participants in the video: 110
・豊橋市14人 「スポーツのまち」づくり課、
多文化共生・国際課職員 等
・Toyohashi: 14 people from various sectors of Toyohashi City (sports, multicultural divisions)
・延岡市72人 延岡学園高校(柔道部、調理科、ほか)、延岡市保健体育課、国際交流推進室 等
・Nobeoka: 72 people from Nobeoka Gakuen High School (judo club, cooking club) and Nobeoka City (health
and wellness, international divisions)
・豊岡市16人 豊岡市地域コミュニティ振興部・国際交流員 等
・Toyooka: 16 people from Toyooka City (community promotion department, international divisions)
・青梅市8人 青梅市長、青梅市オリンピック・パラリンピック担当、スポーツ推進課職員
・Ome: 8 people from Ome City (mayor, olympic/paralympic organizor, sports divisions)
※These four cities are all participants in the Host Town program, sponsored by the national government.
豊橋市 Toyohashi
Sports exchange activities with the German Taekwondo team, culture events such as the Christmas market, Orchestra camp, and Wolfsburg student exchange.
Nobeoka, Miyazaki
Training camp with the German National Judo Team and junior team, student sports exchange events, and cultural exchange events.
Ome, Tokyo
On top of a 50 year sister cityship with Boppard, Germany, Ome has used the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and Paralympics as an opportunity to start an Oktoberfest and Christmas market, making for many new fans of Germany.
Toyooka, Hyogo
Partnered with the German Rowing Federation, they have held training camps--resulting in increased participation in sports exchange--rowing events, and a variety of cultural and economic exchanges.